My dream job

When i was a child, my dream job, was an awesome dream, being an army plane pilot, i really liked planes when i was younger, i dedicated my entire free time to know about diferent types of planes, was a really nice dream, but, with the time, i realize that wasnt for me, for many reasons, the social class, the ideology. When i was 13 years old, my family starts watching movies, became a family hobbie, but, since always, i liked take photos, and with the time, i started recording videos, of everything, at 15 i wrote my first script, it was awful, but since then, i realize that making films it was something that i will always  enjoy, no matter what. 

after the psu, film and tv was always an option, the first one, actually, but my family said that i have to become a lawyer, and because im pasta i didnt score enough to enter to laws school. so, happily i applied to film and tv at university of chile.

at the moment, everythings is awesome, i have amazing classmates, i watch a lot of movies, and i dont have maths, because maths are the cancer of my life. eveything its gonna be ok, if i dont have to face maths in my life.

i love films, and i hope i will have a job editing films, its gonna be awesome, but im really open to everyjob, all of them are awesome if they dont have maths and they are in the field of maths.


  1. You are a cool guy and I love you. See you around the Icei.

  2. You're right... maths are cancer... my mother actually died from maths... it was very sad. But everything it's ok since I saw Shrek.

  3. I can't stop thinking that your first script was about a porn movie. U should share it.

  4. the exactly measurement of pasta for be an awesome film maker and not a lawyer, congrats mate

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. hanks for didn't go to laws school, you're a sun, blessings wawa

  7. good decision entry to film and tv and not in laws school

  8. i feel you bro , i am and always be a pasta too !!!

  9. Good decicion and I think your family is cool, good hobbies

  10. I hate math, too! and I laughed when you said that you are pasta Xd

  11. good decision film and tv. Hopefully I would have decided that :( :(


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